Assignment: Facilitating discussion, creative brainstorming, and collaboration for Milton Historical Society’s 2024 Board of Directors

Milton Historical Society

Photo Credit: City of Milton, Georgia

The most productive leadership planning retreats begin with the selection of an experienced facilitator for the preparation of a detailed agenda and timeline for the session. Within 7 days, a summary that built upon the discussion and decisions made was delivered to key leaders.

Beginning with an agreed-upon list of session outcomes was the first step in developing a meaningful and well-organized agenda and session flow.

Once agreement was reached for supporting Gring Consultants’ responsibility as session facilitator, the 14-member Milton Historical Society’s Board of Directors remained on task for the allotted six hours. The Board is comprised of history lovers who are dedicated to promoting their past through presentation, education, and exploration.

Gring Solutions provided these consulting and facilitation services for generating a 2024 organizational Plan-of-Action, along with a 3-year set of measurable objectives.

Scope of Assignment

  • Generate draft of session outcomes

  • Develop objectives for session

  • Prepare Agenda including a recommended “flow of session”

  • Facilitate session and take notes

  • Prepare and submit a session summary

The definition of the word facilitate, can mean “make easier, make possible, open the door, enable, assist, help, expedite, accelerate, encourage, simplify, advance or promote” – all good attributes for any successful business or non-profit venture.

Milton Historical society

The 2024 Milton Historical Society

Client Testimonial

Robbie is a gifted business strategist who can guide an organization toward peak performance. She is high-energy, and can bring out the best from an organization's senior management. We’ve worked together for years, starting with Prudential Realty through my volunteer tenure with the Juvenile Diabetes Research Center and on to Urban Land Institute. I’ve called on Robbie and her team time and time again.

Jeff Dufresne

President, Milton Historical Society